Canongate Studios Voiced Animated Short wins Oscar for Apple TV+

“The Boy, The Mole, the Fox and the Horse”, a heartwarming animated short film, brought to life through the superior sound design at Canongate Studios, has been hailed with an Oscar. It’s a testament to the extraordinary talents nurtured at our facility. Our meticulous audio post-production imbued the characters with depth, enhancing the narrative that touched hearts globally. This Oscar win is a proud emblem of Canongate Studios’ unwavering commitment to delivering excellence in audio storytelling.

Trusted by big industry names


"The Jeremy Vine Show is the BBC’s biggest current affairs programme with over 7 million listeners. We broadcast live from Canongate Studios on the day of and the day after the Scottish independence referendum. These were shows of enormous importance as well as complexity but the facilities and support from Alistair were absolutely superb."

- Tim Collins

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